Hans Fritzsche

Hans Georg Fritzsche was a senior German Nazi official, ending the war as Ministerialdirektor at the Propagandaministerium . He was present in the Berlin Fhrerbunker during the last days of Adolf Hitler. After Hitlers death, he went over to the Soviet lines in Berlin to offer the surrender of the city to the Red Army on May 1, 1945. He was taken prisoner. Fritzsche died in 1953.

Fritzsche was born in Bochum and served in the German Army in 1917. Postwar he studied briefly at a number of universities before becoming a journalist for the Hugenberg Press and then involved in the new mass media of the radio, working for the German government. In September 1932 he was made head of the Drahtloser Dienst . On May 1, 1933, he joined the NSDAP .

Source: Wikipedia